I.P Project Product Design Development

Since we had made the discussion, we had made a mindmap to create a plan to carrying on developing our Poster, Logo and Business Card design.


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   Logo Design

2014-04-02 19.28.40

   Service Plan development 

2014-04-02 15.52.47

I.P Project Research


> 10:30 Job Centre  

Visiting for research in Mmethyr Kids problem and problem for solving.

> 11:00 Arrived -Mmethyr Valleys Home , Michael Owen  presentation talk.

Researching the history of Mmethyr, explored the social, scoial services in difference part. Range of social supports which are sovling and helping out the problems of the people living in the area of Mmethyr. Research in more reason and find out what was the bad situation could of affected to become these serious problem.

> 12:00 Methr High Street walk – Red House 

Red house visit to explored more about Mmethyr history and social services.

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Understanding how RED HOUSE work in Mmethyr, and the history behind this classical sculpture which were related to Mmethyr.

2014-03-27 12.48.28

> 15:30: Studio time

Service Poster and Logo Design development

This is the Mind map made from our group after we had a discussion and reflection we have been explored and received today.

2014-03-27 17.57.55

I.P. European Design Project

26.03.2014 Morning

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2014-03-26 11.28.50

What do target? What to deliver?

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Group Discussion

  2014-03-26 17.13.25

  3 Design Research

After the group discussion and we explored the beginning of the project and we create three question which suitable for the project to find out what product we are going to design.

1) How can we motivate the teachers to present the truth with opportunities ?

2) How can we conned the teachers and mentors to present opportunities to the young adults?

3) How can the young adult find out what direction they want to go in?


Group review and reflection. 

We vote every group and analyse all the question.

2014-03-26 17.16.59

Project schedule and trip

2014-03-26 17.34.32

Drawing experience ❤ week.3

11-13.03.2014  ❤ 3 Days drawing  of drawing experience in the gallery on bridge street.



Final Drawing process❤ 

The day I was drawing wasn’t in good weather condition, very foggy. I was learning to use weather, emotions, view and my own feeling to create this new piece of Art. Was fun to create something out of the box. I was mainly playing colours on this piece of drawing.




Final piece of my drawing experience ❤

Using the atmosphere to inspire me to drawing in a unique way.

I was drawing next to a big window at mid day, sunshine went through the windows and colours reflect on the wall made me created this drawing ❤


❤ I was having fun and enjoyed very much on this Drawing As Experience field, learnt to use a lot of difference sounds, views, videos, images to inspire us have better ideas in design.

Learning how to use a range of difference object concepts  to build up a new and fresh design, was a new way learning drawing for me.  

Drawing experience ❤ week.2

06.03.2014  ❤ Howard Gardens Gallery – Drama Drawing Techniques.


We have been asked to go out and look for new concepts of the street view or anything we can use to inspire us for drawing.

I have took a few pictures and tired to look deep in the image to see what can inspire me in a new drawing. 

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❤ Inspire by trees.

I was using the object tree to be my main subject of the drawing, this is my first drawing of using butterfly effect to make the whole image look more alternative.





❤ Tree twisted



❤ Flowers capture 
