Drawing experience ❤ week.1

24-27.03.2014  ❤ Week 1 of Drawing As Experience field. 


24.02.2014 ❤ Welsh National opera – Boulevard Solitude


We had a fun experience of watching  opera in Welsh National Opera by Cardiff bay.


Waiting to get in 🙂



Inside the opera.



Opera Start!!!



❤ Sketch classwork

We had been ask for creat a few piece of sketch of using our feeling, emotion, sounds of the opera story .

I was mainly using the blue and purple colour for my painting, was influenced by the lighting and the sad moment of the story.



❤ This was the first drawing I have done after all the whole opera.





❤ Second drawing

Using blue colour for main.


❤ Third Drawing

This is a drawing of mine represented the end of the story.



Over the experience of drawing in a opera, it was a challenging for me. I have never draw in a opera and a place as it dark before.



Play & Creative ♥ Group Discussion

♥ Submission of work, sharing of ideas, experiences and lessons learnt. 

♥ Sharing and be more creative.

We had be asked to sitting in two difference group today to share our new ideas of the field project. Fun was everyone studying in difference type of design class, therefore we were able to share our own opinion and the direction of the design coming up.

Always being sharing in the group.

We had also talked through about our problems so far of the research, and looked for ways to solved these problems. With difference ideas and inspiration, these factors are going to help for the future development of our design. ♥


♥ Create a new piece of art or design using recycled materials.
We have been talk through what recycling materials we had found. We understand real-world design constraints, budgets, reviews. Through the conversation, we had learn analytical problem solving, project management, interpersonal and communication skills through a team based project approach and are encouraged to work in an interdisciplinary manner.

Play & Creative ♥ Recycle Design


 Research in recycle design

Reuse, reduce, recycle poster design.  Include reuse symbol imag

  • Presentation of Ideas and research

Moodboard  Existing recycle design


 Presentation ideas

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06.02.2014 – Creating a Mindmap 

We have been asked to create a mindmap which aiming at own design.

Recycle e Design